talk about clutching at straws the odious grade 1rsole ken livinginthepast is the one thats missed the... in view of the likelihood of unrest, should the...
A police officer shoots & kills a supposedly unarmed known criminal & the verdict is lawful killing yet a royal marine shoots & kills an unarmed enemy combatant on the battlefield & the verdict is... This is the country we are becoming, no doubt many on here will claim it does not happen as... Victim's mother made a Baroness? Special force set aside to... How do you feel about this, when you yourself are...
The private members bill to promise a referendum on our pulling out of Europe is 'unlikely' to be ready in time to be in this years programme of bills. If it misses the 28th February deadline, it will...
Nick Griffin has been declared a bankrupt but still plans to stand as an MEP. A 1986 act stops bankrupts from standing as an MP but not an MEP. Each member state has its own rules on who can and who... A quiet, tasteful funeral apparently, with just a few criminal and Hells Angels in attendance. Charles Bronson, Britain's most dangerous and... It would seem from this that the indigenous... I've always admired the way the US system ignores human longevity in sentencing. It seems an unexpected side effect of EU meddling that we now are looking at... Oh dear how much more ridiculous can these racist... Nice to see some of our politicians are actually personally welcoming...
British companies are recruiting thousands of Romanian workers to plug gaps in the highly skilled jobs market and fill posts spurned by Britons. As border restrictions are lifted today, UK employers...