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Does anyone have an odd combination of food/sauces etc they like? I like bacon, banana and peanut butter.
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my best friend is a wonderful cook and loves her gadgets. Stuck for ideas for a birthday present i asked her what she wanted. I now need to find a herb chopper but she wants one with a curved wooden...
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has anyone else noticed that Sara Lee double choc gataeu has disappeared from the shelves? it Was my fave dessert!! Does anyone know where if anywhere i can purchase it? nothing seems to compare!
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Im a regular viewer of Everybody Loves Raymond could anybody tell me what corn dogs are and maria is always making collonis probably wrong spelling but it looks like a sponge roll with cream in...
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I like fried eggs and I've been eating eggs from caged hens for many years now (Yes, I know it should be outlawed but old habits die hard). This week I bought a box of 18 free-range eggs at Asda as...
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I am off to the zoo for the day on Thursday and its been left to me to sort out eating arrangements. Money is quite tight but we can stretch to grabbing a sandwich there at lunchtime, but was thinking...
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Hi - I have a new cake tin! The instructions say that I should grease it with vegetable shortening - not butter, marg, lard or any other fat! Does any one know is something like TREX vesgetable fat or...
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Would anyone be so kind as to reveal this weeks slimming world password ? x
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I recently bought my mum a set of non-stick pans and although the saucepans are fine, both the frying pan and the omelette pan, have damage to the non-stick coating. As far as I know they're not...
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When I was at school in the 50s and 60s, my favourite school dinner dessert was Manchester tart, and a particular type of cream, which I have been unable to discover ever since. The cream was white,...
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Is there anyone who knows a website or a company that sells crema Mandorla. I have looked for so long and can't find it anywhere. My husband and I enjoyed it so much when we were in Italy and now that...
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I hate chucking out the grounds from the cafetiere after i make my coffee. Anyone know any uses for them?
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Can you drink coconut milk staight from the coconut?
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could you tell me the ingredients for the kfc mix to put on the chicken?
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can anyone tell me the name of the glazed ring doughnuts that are sold in Tenerife?
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We have a Farmers Market in our town every month ,we find the produce cheaper and fresher than the supermarket , also get advice as how to cook some thing which have not bought before . Has anyone any...
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I have 4 different types of biscuits to work out from these clues below, they are cryptic clues i think. 1. Small crusty brown or plain? 2. Wait till amber disappears? 3. Don't gossip too much? 4. T R...
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where to buy self heating tinned food
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What is a liqueur made from fruit, or from brandy with added fruit? (Sunday Express xword R--A-N- ) 7 letters
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How in the name of sanity do Kellogg's make Rice Krispies? Do they use tiny air pumps to blow noisegas into individual grains of rice?

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