Dear all, in my first year of university studying english language and literature. my first deadline is on thursday for Language and i need to write a 'formative assessment'...i have no idea what this...
My son's Nokia mobile got wet and died - it wasn't totally immersed but just got wet in his pocket when it rained. Has had back off, battery and sim out in airing cupboard for a week but still dead.
Does any one know of a company that buys houses at full asking price as my house has been up for sale for several months now and I did want a quick sale as my mortgage offer was for 90 days and that...
I have light brown hair but i have been dyeing it for years I want it to go back to light brown but everytime i try this it ends up going a ginger colour after a few washes, What i need to know is...
I need some general info, so links to decent info websites would suffice. Basically, I want an iPod for Christmas, so that I can play all my fave music etc when I'm out and about. But I don't know the...
I can't remember who it's by, when it came out (late 70's probably) or what it's called, but it's buggin me. All I can remember is one line, to the tune of Brotherhood of Mans "Angelo", that line...
a friend of mine has various ailments , diabetes, asthma, long term depression, potential glaucoma - but they can walk perfectly well are they entitled to a car disability blue badge?
What do you think???? Suppose you lose your spouse on this planet,but years later re-marry,which one are you re-united with when YOU arrive at the FINAL destination??? hmmmm. Its just a question!!!
We found our dog who was about 14+ yrs old floating in our pool. My question is being that she was floating, might she been dead before she fell in. Thank you
Why do Doctors charge so much to write one's medical information on a simple form and then sign it ? One can get most celebrities autographs for less. What is the going rate, and why does this not...
My nan had a routine eye test about 3 months ago and the opticain did the usual tests for glaucoma etc and said her eyes were in perfect health. However last week she was advised to go to A and E dept...
I'm interested in buying premium bonds and I have 20k to invest. Should I buy 4 separate 5k batches a few days apart or buy 20k's worth in one transaction and therefore have consequetive numbered...
I have made a living will and also carry a DNR card which I have printed myself. If or when the situation arises what, in the real world, will actually happen. I.E do hospitals really carry out your...
I posted a message about my bf becoming a model - wheres it gone???? Wanted to ask if anyone knows how to get a coupla hours a week modelling for next etc???
I have found their call centre in India to be rather unhelpful, the same of their staff in branches and their lack of clarity in dates for the reduction of my overdraft. Is it worth e-mailing them to...
How much Notice do you have to give in a job if all you're wanting to do is swap shifts on 3 days? (still working those days but you just cant work till the end). I am 18 & work in a clothes shop, i...
Has anyone got a sensible foolproof method for nail biting? Genuine helpful advice wanted. Have tried all the stuff you buy, no good at all. Even tried being hypnotised, did not work. Thanks in...