What happens to all the clothes from all the shopping malls and stores all over the country, when sales are over and they change the season's stock? Do they sell them at shopping outlets? Surely there...
I'm not one for storing lots of bits and pieces as I like to keep the house, shall we say minimalistic.. but since moving I've come to realise just how many items of clothing I have... I started to...
How can I get back to sleep ? I'm buzzing on way too many cups of coffee after having to stay up late to study (playing catch up) and now i'm manic ! I'm so high I could do cartwheels around the house...
Why is it that flip-flops are so bloomin painful? I've never found a comfy pair and I can't face the thought of having painful blisters for a week or so and wait for them to go before I can wear...
A friend of mine is planning on getting married next year, his girlfriend is about 8 years older than he is and she has 2 young children from a previous relationship (don't know if they share a...
Did anyone hear about a three year old little girl who was killed by a casserole dish?? She was helping mummy clear the table, she dropped the casserole dish & a shard of glass flew up cutting her...
When I got home from work my wife complained about the huge pile of ironing. She's gone out for the evening so i decided to take a look. A lot of it were towels, which I've folded and put away. I've...
By default I have been watching Emmerdale since it has been on at ten in the evening. I have a question which the wife either can't or won't answer for me. Paddy spent ?10 on a lottery ticket under...
My mother-in-law got upset the other day when her toast was cut in half and the slices put in a toast rack with the crust facing up. She says it has to be put in so the cut side is uppermost allowing...