I'm 22 Years old & have a phobia of Blood tests I gotta have a Blood Test next week & FREAKING OUT I panic at the thought,sight & feel of a Needle Have Panic Attacks & end up beign restrained by...
If you could travel faster than light and then could stop instantly (with out going splat ) Could you turn around and watch your self arrive . I hope you under stand this question
Ever since I moved into my house when I initially run the tap in the kitchen it smells like rotten eggs. It now seems to do it in the downstairs bathroom too although not all the time. No-one seems to...
Silly Question I know! A group of us were having a discussion,when one came away with the suggestion that ordinary rain is a (very very) diluted form of (sulphuric acid?) How accurate was he? Thanks...
We've been friends for over a year, and I consider him one of my best friends. After about 6 months, we started sleeping with each other. We've never discussed what it is we are, but now its been...
I have recently renewed my subscription in November. I have bought my son a computer for Xmas. My question is can I utilise my subscription for both computers or do I have to buy another subscription....
I recently had my house wiring changed around (plug sockets) now my fuse box keeps triping off sometimes just the sockets and other times everything goes off, i have had the sparky back but he says he...
Do we all share a common gene pool which can be traced back to Adam and Eve regardless of race and nationality. Also in view of our intelligence are we a different species to Apes.
Following my previous post about sibling issues, my dad cheated on my mum after 32 years of marriage with her best friend, brother 1 found out about it and we confronted him infront of mum, my father...
I am looking for instances in stories, myths, legends, sagas, literature anywhere in the world in which animals have equality with people or receive equal respect to people. thank you.
I've just finished reading Alister McGrath's 'The Twilight of Atheism' and found it really fascinating and evenhanded. McGrath charts the rise of atheism in the atheist critique of the oppressive...
Hi There! I have a Bible quesion that I have so far not been able to answer however I try. Hopefully one of the Protestants on here will know this. So, to shamelessly abridge history - back in the...
Hi! I would like to edit a picture I have on my pc and put a santa hat on the head, but I can't find how to! I have tried in paint, but the pic of the hat isn't a clipart so contains background that I...
If people from another world (in a hypothetical situation) visited Earth and told us they were involved in this planets creation,evolution, they know the God or creative spirit and even knew the true...
Apparently Israeli scientists have inscribed the entire hebrew text of the jewish bible onto a space less than half the size of a grain of sugar........and it took an hour!!!!
TV aerials are not insulated from the building on which they are fixed. Why does the signal not travel to earth?Can anybody explain in layman's terms please. I await hearing. Peter edward