If so why do you see people who build all their hopes for the future around what human leaders promise. And yet the Bible was written, not by Europeans, but by men in the Middle East, in Asia. Yet it...
Can anyone explain in a relatively simple manner, that non-scientific people would understand, exactly what Heisenberg's uncertainty principle is ? A simple example of how it might be used would also...
I am human. I will breed you and indescriminantly kill you for my food. I will also select the ones that feel nice, kill you and make you into my clothes. When I feel lonely or need to seek solace in...
Pope Benedict XVI has promised 'unconditional reverence and obedience' to his successor. What a ghastly thought! Can you imagine yourself making such a promise to anyone?
I do, i think there is a team that keeps an eye out and if it's a near miss we're only told when it's safe and is definitely going to miss us but then this leaves the other side of the coin. Just when...
I went to an osteopath at my local GP surgery several years ago for backache and he was so rough, he really hurt me and I'm sure he actually knelt on my back - I suffered for several weeks afterwards....
I know this is a topic still in the realms of theory and we have little data but would my debate my opinion of an external force creating the expansion we see? Is dark energy really an...
How did life start? Here's what I know roughly; ~ Big Bang: energy condensed to form nuclei, which formed atoms of Hydrogen; ~ Stellar furnaces: clouds of Hydrogen collapsed under gravity to form the...
Many people including the French say that the French language is one of the most difficult to learn to converse, read and write. How difficult is it? Also compared to English, how much harder although...
this could go into property section but will try here first, has anyone got these or are considering getting them, i overall think they are a good idea but cant afford to get them just yet and do you...
into our conservatory, from the garage. He wants to use it in the house. Up to now he has been quite happy using it in the garage. How do you get him to move it back into the garage, without you...
When; Tonight Where; Cambridge Union; 'To be filmed and made available on line.' In round 1 Prof. Dawkins admitted that there was a (remote) possibility that God existed. Will he acquiesce further...
The problem of the 21st century, “Men have forgotten God. . . . The entire twentieth century is being sucked into the vortex of atheism and self-destruction.”...
would you read his other works? he seems to have been a pretty imaginative chap... what kind of other books do you think he'd have written? - what would his 'books by the same author' page at the...
My Boyfriend had a fight in a nightclub and threw a glass at a bloke as he was going to punch him, he was provoked as the bloke was taking the p*ss out of him. The bloke is pressing charges, he had a...
Contrary to the claims of some at this site:
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-21178718 //Prof Davies said: "It is clear that we might not ever see global warming, the apocalyptic scenario is that when I need a new hip in 20 years I'll die from a...
Since they were caught out for being organised paedos, the RC Church has been cleaning up its act. Until today ... and The Guardian reveals the Church's secret property portfolio, held offshore under...
http://www.naturalnews.com/028068_aspirin_health_hazards.html How accurate is the contents of the above ? Especially the following - ''...taking an aspirin a day also increases the risk of pancreatic...