I have read a lot of debates in this section and it seems that a lot of bible extracts demonstating that god is good is counteracted by bible quotes stating the opposite. I don't understand why people...
This is too true to be funny........... The next time you hear a politician use the Word 'billion' in a casual manner, think about whether you want the 'politicians' spending YOUR tax money. A billion...
Hi, I am selling my MacBook Air. It was recently updated to Mountain Lion, but what I want to know is, if I restore it to 'factory settings', will the operating system still be Mountain Lion or will...
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-20947224 It has just been announced the forecasting is all wrong and is now set at a lower figure. In fact global temperatures haven't risen at all for...
Does anyone any tips for coping with or reducing the occurence of restless legs? I'd like to be able to take a 4 hour flight or sit throgh a play/film in the theatre without getting deperate to move...
You're a sick senior citizen and the government says they are going to sell your house to pay for your nursing care. So what do you do? Our plan gives anyone 65 years or older a gun and 4 bullets. You...
According to modern science, all domesticated dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) are genetically related to grey wolves (Canis lupus). If this is correct, how can the sizes of dogs be so diverse? From...
On my desk I have my Samsung Syncmaster 24" Monitor, and my Samsung 40" LED TV. There's about 12-14 inches between them. When im on my desktop (black majority in colour) everythings fine, but the...
I will probably have to go into hospital quite soon and want to take my laptop HP pavilion g series with me to keep me amused, I am a silver surfer & mrs techno I am not. I understand I will need a...
...namely, why don't we eat horses in the UK and Eire? From the outside ie the world of horse-eaters it must seem very odd that all this fuss is being made apparently over a nice cut of meat. It's...
The sole intention of some here appears to be to preach their own particular flavour of religion. Is it working? Has anyone been tempted to find out more - or does it have the opposite effect?
Mick Jagger and the Rolling Stones were on board a 747, returning to the UK, after a successful and strenuous tour of the US About 6 hours into the 9 hour flight, Mick decided to put his headphones on...
An international team of astronomers led by the University of Central Lancashire in the UK has discovered "the largest known structure in the universe." The team says that the recently observed large...
A question arising in my home from the BBC programme ‘Stargazing Live’ tonight. Moons revolve around planets, planets revolve around suns, and the whole lot revolves around …. what?...
I was reading this web page which is basically disparaging Thomas Edison and claiming that Nikolas Tesla was a complete and absolute genius. Does anyone know if the claims made in this are true or...
The Believers frequently propose that mortal life has no point without the everlasting life that follows for the faithful. Yet that promise is to a place where there seems nothing to do but worship...
Hi, Is there a significant 'loss of power' using a 100m/2.5t&e extention cable. Never thought of it before but a contractor remarked that his SDS power drill seemed 'under-powered' and thought it...