7 clinicians and researchers have now signed a letter stating that Charlie’s brain condition could be improved, although “ideally” the treatment should first be tested on mice, but there is no...
Hope its as nearly as good as the old one, used to love it.
Information here.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-england-london-40322581/london-fire-photos-show-devastation-inside-grenfell-tower Apparently the tenants of this flat gave their permission for these photos to be...
What does it mean? What's the plan? Rod Liddle has one, he says; " There are hundreds of people identified by the security services as being ‘of special interest’ because of their patent and...
To some posts I have read on here. I’ve read posts on AB suggesting there could be another GE soon. Can someone please explain to me how this could come about. Surely the Conservatives wouldn’t...
I like to back up my iTunes library to a memory stick, but the stick I was using was saying there was no room left, despite the fact there was. So I bought a new, larger capacity stick. Now I’m...
I can't see if there's anyone called June on the Tory party list. But who could possibly take over with any credibility? I've seen Boris and Reese-Moog mentioned - but clearly they are not serious...
I have just seen a trailer of the arrival of the new family on Albert Square. Just what we want, another gobby family featured in the soaps. I am sure there normal people living in the East End.
Below is an example of why so many people in this country are disgusted and ashamed of our so called immigration policy. At one time we DID have a great country. Living in England was something to be...
I've heard it said that the reason we in the west are experiencing Islamic terrorism is because of the west's meddling in the Middle East – the removal of Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi being...
http://www.lbc.co.uk/radio/presenters/james-obrien/police-officer-theresa-may-cuts-james-obrien/?utm_source=t.co&utm_medium=referral Less than two years ago, Theresa May was warned directly by the...
Did anyone watch the first episode tonight of MURDER IN THE FAMILY? Its going to be on every night this week. Any thoughts on it so far? Its early days yet but so far do you feel he is guilty ?...