Where can I buy a lie detecter test? One thats not through the roof in prices. I have contacted complanies and they all cost over £500. I want one that is gonna be reliable as my relationship...
I'v only been with my boyfriend a couple months and we have fallen in love, but there is one issue hanging over us, when we very first got together back in the summer, I went out drinking with my best...
Who else is sooooo sick of Katie Price? She's trying to hard to get her self in the papers that shes making herself look silly. She would get much more respect if she just kept her head down and...
I really want a boyfriend, I am starting to get really lonely now. I'm only 26 but just can't seem to find a guy. I know there are some decent ones out there (somewhere!). Most of my friends are...
Has anyone else noticed how skinny Belle has got in H & A. (Jessica Tovey) She has always been slim but lately she is all skin and bone and i was wondering if anyone knows if she has an illness or not...
I watched Picture Perfect last night, and I noticed that alot of the cast were also in Hollow man aswell.Not a question but I just thought I'd point it ouut really!!!!!
I just want to say how much I feel for poor Jade Goody. She has been getting a lot of stick lately and she doesn't deserve it. I wish her all the best for her wedding on Sunday. That's all! x
I have been with my man for almost 2 months now. He seems really keen on me, tells me how special I am to him and how he wants to be with me for....well, a really long time! Anyways, at the last...
I'v only been with my boyfriend for about 6 weeks. What sort of gift should i be getting? I don't wanna go overbboard, just something to let him know i care. If it helps, we havn't said the 'L'...
Sorry if this question has already been asked. I watched Derren Brown the other night. What was the fainting bit all about? I know he got up after and said that other shows end like that so his was...
Now i don't watch CBB atall, but i was told that at the last minute, one of the contestants was removed because they were 'too unstable'....just out of pure curiousty, who was it? thanks
I have just got a new boyfriend (yay me!!) and so far it's going really well, anyways, It's his (26th) birthday coming up. We will have only been together about 3 weeks though when it's his actual...
On the Boots (?) advert, where they do the secret santa in the huge office, doesn't the blonde girl look just like Emma Rigby (Hannah from hollyoaks) I take it it is not her?.......
I met this guy on a social networking website and we started chatting and got on really well. We swapped numbers and he was txting me all the time. After about a week, he asked me to visit him. He...