Can anyone name some songs that you know you shouldn't admit to liking because they're cheesy or just not very goodbut you can't help but like them!! Here are some of mine and they are totally...
recently my son was pulled over by the wa state patrol...he had on his seatbelt..however the patrolman said the "shoulder strap" wasnt tight enough..too much slack..ive driven this car before and the...
Hi, Anybody know if buses that are not in use i.e are not picking up passengers, are allowed to use roads? I always thought that buses finish there route at the station. If this is not the case doesnt...
i was stopped by the cops for having my fog lights on and driving in the right hand lane. is this just a pathetic excuse for them to stop me or was i really causing a problem/danger? thanks
I am having great difficulty obtaining any of thunder thighs works on CD, I have a copy of the Live performance on video but need it on DVD and the albums are just not available in any store i have...
Good evening everyone, I was wondering if you can help me. I have bought myself a lovely new gear knob for my Rover 200 Collection (1997). Can you let me know how I actually change it - is it just a...
Is there a minimum speed at which you should drive on a motorway? I'm not very comfortable on motorways, but believe myself a careful and safe driver. I usually stick in the first lane and do between...