Definitely a tough one to get into. I was going along nicely, solved a few clues and got what I thought was the correct code only to find I've made a slip somewhere. I think the logic is pretty much...
Perhaps a bit easier than it looked (though in fairness whenever Shark is the setter I anticipate a seriously tough challenge!), but still a very lovely piece of work by Shark, and a delightful -- and...
Can anyone think of a link between Gold, Silver and Mercury ? I know they are all metallic elements and they are used in teeth fillings but any other ideas Thanks...
I hope a Speccie fan can give me a bit of help on this . I've filled it all in,found the seven words which must be removed and filled in the only words which fit the unclued entries . I'm at a loss as...
1) A girl in the C is like an onion.(6) - A - - - -. 2) " in a manger...." (4) - - I -. 3) In a sin and Co might be a sin? (6) - -S- NO. CASINO ?? 4) Between collgos. (7) E - I - - -E. 5)...