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Wow wasn't Leanne's acting excellent tonight? And Simon, running after her like that. I've just been wiping aways the tears. Corrie at its best.
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according to the trailer corrie is on all week, not on my tv its not, its the same as usual, or have i missed something?
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mushroom25 the headline says "depressing", but the report suggests they really meant "sad", as in most likely to move the listener to tears. the...
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Apparently she had a hard time giving birth, lost a lot of blood. Let's hope she's OK. And here goes Mrs grumpy again - but why does she have to hog the limelight, wear those ridiculous shoes etc. Why...
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on a busy main road, and someone backs into it, who is to blame? She told the police her kids were all in the car and were wearing seatbelts, when only one child was in the car with no seat belt on...
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Why & how can these people let themselves be publicly humiliated by an immoral & unscruplious scrote like J Kyle.? It really beggars belief. ps Its the first time I have seen the show, well 5...
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Does anybody else find this to be a little gem of a programme? I think it is superb and informative and think Michael Portillo comes over as a nice and enthusiastic presenter. (I wonder where he gets...
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Simplified, this is the law that makes each gang member equally guilty even if only one of them carried out the actual killing.
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Got home to a letter from my GP practice saying "Your doctor would like you to have a blood test so that your health can be monitored" and to ring the practice after 10am to make an...
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Scenario. A girlfriend of 7 years ago contacts you and says you have a son who is now 6 years old.Up till now you have no knowledge of this. The girlfriend who is in a relationship says she isnt...
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I have been experiencing moderate pain across my back and upper chest. It is like a burning ache / pain which is never too painfull, but bad enough to make me aware/concerned. It comes and goes,...
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Booldawg're making it sound like an epidemic. I mean, what percentage of the population have some amount of alcohol 7 nights of the week?...
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I'm watching Celebrity Big Brother, which I quite enjoy. One contestant is Natasha Giggs, who happily (always with a big smirk on her face) tells other housemates that she's famous for having had an...
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Don't know if anyone is interested, but Hustle is back on on Frieay at 9, BBC1.
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How many professed atheists on here are actually "agnostic atheists", that is to say don't believe there are any "Gods" but don't rule out the possibility, how ever remote, that...
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Husband leaves wife in1975. Divorced in 1976. Court give access to 2 girls. Ex and kids always unavailable at times. Back to court many times. In the end husband gives up. Eventually remarries....
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d9f1c7 because of back firing vanity? For that matter why are they even done on the NHS?...
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This would definitely make me think twice....... Lucky for her it was over water!...
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Sunday, 10pm an E4 and then repeated Tuesday, 11.15pm Channel4. I don't know why the Ch4 slot is so late. It always used to be on at 10pm. It is the 8th and last series........

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