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Can anybody tell me where the hell i can get this movie on DVD for a reasonable price (second hand if need be, on region 2). Tried E-bay - whatta joke! Tried blackstar - 27.99 to just find it are you...
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can you tell me the title of this music ?
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Being very keen about working, I've been thinking about weekends. I know that we have Sundays off for religious reasons, but why do we have Saturdays off?
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What causes the ink in (probably cheap) biros to go all gloopy and blobby all of a sudden? You know, you put pen to paper one day and get a great big blob of ink that then smears all over the paper...
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What is Jagermeister?
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What does your Cyber name reveal about you? Do you aspire to it.....?
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Were these drugs related or racially motivated?
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why was absinthe banned
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We have quite a few squirrels living in the trees in our garden and I want to feed them. Mr LISAB is quite confident we can give them the bag of mixed unshelled nuts left over from christmas but Im...
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what's the largest item ever to have been put inside a human ass?
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Someone out there please put me out of my misery! Australia by the Manic's was used on a 'football' program but which one?
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A Happy New Year to all Answerbankers, OK? I wish all ABers all the best in the year 2003. (I had to add the 'OK?' so that it becomes a question).
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I love Whoppers from Burger King. However i cant work out what makes the taste so nice and unique ive tried everything to recreate them at home. I know there flame grilled but im sure its all in the...
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Which characters scared you as a kid?I remember going to see Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and being terrified when the Kidcatcher came on... I really thought he was going to come out of the screen and get...
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I have seen you on more than one occasion refer to 'the forces of evil south of the border'. Who exactly are you referring to when you say this?
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Genius, mad-man or both?
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What, in your opinion, is the most overrated film ever? My vote would be the Godfather. A dull, boring , plodding, long, needlessly complicated naff movie. As exciting as watching paint dry, with...
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what makes a woman good in bed?
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Why do people do it? What makes people cheat on their marriage partners and have affairs?

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