So a book about 3 little pigs has been rejected from being given an award because "it may offend Muslims" (where have we heard that before) tm What next,...
What have I got to do to make you love me What have I got to do to make you care What do I do when lightning strikes me And I wake to find that youre not there What do I do to make you want me What...
following on from mrs.overalls beans from Lidls Why is Lidls portrayed usually in adverts as being inferior There is an advert where the guest arrives with champagne disquised in a gift bag but the...
Recent posts[Fern Phil Laughter etc] Jeremy Paxman says he buys his underwear from Marks Spencers and finds that they dont provide enough support He is suffering from crutch cramp, He has contacted M...
Recently met a friend carrying a suit asked him was he going somewhere nice, he replied to my mother in laws funeral {genuine} Have you ever "put your foot in it"
2. aluminium in another country 3. strike weight all right 9. grave for vehicle 12. epidemic with regular instead of learner 17. born friend 18. old currency here, followed by new 20. isn't artificial...
has any one read michelle remembers about a little girl named michelle smith who lived in canada and was subjected to satanic ritual. I had the book in the early eighties, read it once and then lost...
On Friday Jan 25th there is apparently a 10minute silence to raise funds for Macmillan Cancer Support. Apart from this great cause how would you spend your 10 minutes of silence
on this site why is it that most people are defensive and abusive to each other slagging that person of and back stabbing cant anyone get on we all have one life. life is hard enough dnt take things...
locally we have hordes of travellers,why they're called travellers is another story as they stay put in various sites. Just learned today that the council are considering giving them permanent sites...
I moved to U.S. recently and my name is Nazgul. Nobody can spell or pronounce it. I am looking for a feminine shortened name to help my daily communication. What are you suggestions? Do not like...