If you could banish someone or something to a desert island who are what would it be, also if you were sent to a desert island who are what would you take with you
This has got to be the crappest show on the tv.I cant believe how totally rubbish these acts are.You can see a 100 times better acts on the reef for free.How did this p1sh get on the tv?Come to the...
my laptop screen.my son has snezzed all over it and its coverd in spots from sneezing. whats best to clean it with.and do i to it with the laptop turned of or on?
Has anyone had laser eye surgery to correct severe short sightedness if so what were the results also some optical centres offer free consultations are these genuine no restrictions?
just noticed tomorrow's [jan7] tv listings there is another Lenny Henry show. I don't find him funny along with Ricky Gervais who is your unfunny comedian .and please don't say Legend as I am trying...
Early evening prime viewing on BBC1 on Saturday and Sunday this weekend has been Hi -Jacked by Match of The Day.Grhhhhhh I am furious.Anyone else feel the same.I hope it is a one off and the Programme...
I've been tossing this around in my head for a while, and I just can't work it out. The question is, what exact time are people referring to when they harp on about everything being better in 'the...
This is not a debate on weather you agree or disagree with smoking . my question is ,do you think that banning smoking will close many businesses such as clubs and pubs, and if you are a smoker has it...
I have a picture {unfortunately not original] of Edvard Munch "The Scream" It is a fascinating picture which is open to interpretation, What is your view?
On TV we have a lot of unseen characters who are always mentioned, Maris, NIles wife in Frasier, Mrs Columbo, Her Indoors from Minder, She who must be obeyed from Rumpole Who else is there?
It wouldn't be Christmas without the obligatory Only Fools and Horses always excellent tv But I have just been watching reruns of Frasier and for me it is one of the best sitcoms brilliant characters...