Grrrrrr back off, it's one question, its a little question, its my question and I'll ask what I like. As Chatterbank seems more Bickerbank over the last couple of days, a little silliness is...
I;m not sure if this is the right section for this but here friends bought me some 'scoobies' for my birthday to make the point that I am no longer 'down with the kids', but I would like to...
I recently acquired 2 long-ish haired cats from the Cat Home, and unfortunately, each time they come in their fur is covered in all sorts - bits of grass, leaves, cobwebs etc. That's ok - and pretty...
Mine does, he eats: Cheese, Butter, kebabCottage Cheese, Fruitcake, Rice pudding, Ready brek (sp?), Whipped cream and some other weird things like paper.
when you get the pickle tray there's always a selection of 4 - lime pickle, mango chutney, a yoghurty one and an oniony one. Can anyone tell me how to make the yoghurty and oniony ones please?thanks.
Is there anyone still using a carpet sweeper we have got a new Dyson but the old lady next door uses a carpet sweeper what sort of cleaner have you got?
My Mum moved from Newcastle to Canada when she was a little girl. She recently found a tape... yes they still exist... with the Newcastle town song on it but you could barely make out the words. Does...
My wife is starting to look a bit haggard, well it all started since I engaged the new secretary. My wife is 40 and my secretary is 23.I have built up my own business in the city, the wife has never...
I'd like to thank the person who drove in to my brand new car yesterday in the hospital carpark and smashed the rear bumper up was in an enormous disabled bay..COULDN'T YOU BL**DY see it?thanks...