I saw an ad in the Sunday paper for a paint roller system that stores paint in the roller handle. Apparently it allows you to emulsion a room in double-quick time because you don't have to keep...
i am a 15 year old and i would like a part time job for extra money. The trouble is i don't think anywhere will give me a job as i am under age. Any suggestions??
I have been reading the 'parking' questions with interest and now have one of my own. Is it legal for a neighbour to park across the end of my driveway so that I cannot get in or out of my property?...
I am a graduate looking for a job and am wondering if anyone has actually got a job from one of those websites which offer 1000s of jobs (total jobs, monster, Reed etc) In my experience, recruitment...
any idea who played the adoption woman in last night's [3/4/06] episode of Coronation street? believe she may have been called Viv??? i recognise her...was she ever in Only Fools n Horses???
I have always been told that if sun lotions/block etc have been opened you should not keep them longer than 6 months - however, my workmates have never heard about this? Your input please! ta
Ooops. swore I read somewhere that the FRIZZY perm was coming back in so duly had one.... can't say I have noticed anyone with my hairstyle (oh other than 2 front props on the welsh rugby team in the...
I can remember reading in my computer magazine that you can set your computer to alert you when you are typing with your caps lock on.As I frequently do this and am infuriated when I have to start all...
Why is that everytime you ask an innocent question on here, just because you are curious about something, everyone thinks you have problems and starts turning into your psychologist!!????!!!!
With up to 1.5 million people going on strike today, mostly council workers and the like, how is the strike going to affect you the most? I am not a Trade Unionist myself, but the daily Meals on...