So where did Rick Neelans house suddenly appear from? He's been dead for a few years now, why was the furniture covered up? Did he know he wasn't coming home?! He didn't have much post either! The...
Hi I have been collecting all the Now albums, the ones with numbers, the last one was November last year Now 110, the next one is due soon and they normally are advertised before they are out, I can...
this was on sky yesterday afternoon couldn't help but watch it, as a kid I loved my vhs copy, and would watch it multiple times a night (yes I loved it that much!) anyway I completely forgot about it...
We have a seat Leon, its only a few years old and keeps saying low battery, so we replaced the battery last year, still happening!!! admittedly we don't do many miles but seriously, what do you think...
If you don't watch it, no need for any response, thank you Anyway.....Tom Cotton it seems is a con man pretending to be Sonia's dad but then how comes Jack Branning knew him as his brother in law if...
I started to watch this last night as I thought it might be interesting. Gave up after about fifteen minutes as I had no idea what was going on - there seemed to be no order to it, first of all there...
I laughed out loud last night when that nutter Sharon tazered poor Jenny - I just didn't expect that ! All that aside though, I thought it was excellent last night as the web closed in on Sharon and...
This is a bill board from the dream sequence at the start of "Heroes and Villains" - anyone else think the bloke looks like Elijah Wood?
Hi my dishwasher seems to make the crockery and glasses feel as if they are gritty, I am using all in one tablets, it never used to do this, can anyone help with advice please TIA