My daughter ( un be knowns to me) was pokeing her ear with a cotton bud last night .. An this morning she's been scared because it's made her ear bleed only a little .. I told her she probably poked...
I was thinking the other day regarding the internet, that we never know where, as in which country, the person we are communicating with lives , If you are reading this which country are you in ? now...
I do not hold with all the hokum of astrology but find myself saluting a single magpie! Does anybody else do this? It is probably more to do with habit (my nan used to do it) than superstition but I...
My son is 5 and has been to school since september. The thing is he is getting bullied by another child who he would have encountered before school but not regularly. For one example when he first...
I've been taking a small dosage of Zoloft (12.5mg) for just 7 days and I don't like the way it seems to make me feel. It was prescribed as a long term treatment for anxiety and as a replacement for...
I keep having the same image in my head when im asleep and when i wake up i can still see that image, its a white space its pure white no way out and theres to people standing there a really obease...
What does it mean if children smear pooh on the walls of their houses ,my friend's son who is 8 has HDAD, but is that a symptom of the disorder, she has a baby of one and a son of 13 who was also...
13. Small but brightly coloured (3,5) 22 a less than sweet experience for most participants (3,10) 25 Fast at the witching hour (8,7) 31 Complete hard covering (4,5,6) 50 one more bride or brother,...
Is this the next unlikely pairing and if so why would she fancy Cain now he looks like a geek? He did at least use to look rather like a decent bit of rough -whats happened to his hair?
If you are the type of person who tends to snack between meals, eat a lot of chocolate and fatty foods, is it possible to lose weight relatively quickly if you stop snacking between meals and eating...
When I went to Canada in 1975 I felt that I had been there in a previous life. I found myself walking around and finding places without the help of a map. Can someone explain that please?
I've got em now and they're driving me crackers. !!! Does anyone else get em, and if so, how do u deal with it. I only get them when I take my sleeping tablet, anyone that ant had em just wunt...
Has anyone got the lyrics to Kate Bush's Wuthering Heights with the CD or LP? I googled for the lyrics but I'm not sure if the first line given is correct, so I think that the lyrics supplied with the...
anyone know the name of the film about unmarried mothers in Ireland living in a convent and having their babies taken away for adoption during the last centuries? I think it was BBC, could be another...