176667/The-human-saxophone-OAPs-taught-audienc e-knit--new-star-challenge-Susan-Boyle.html Whatever happened here? The performer Kay Oresanya on last...
The last time I joined SW my body frame was measured by the woman putting her hand around my wrist. Im doing SW again but on my own this time but I cant remember what my body frame was,small,medium or...
My daughter is at the extreme end of the Autistic Spectrum, does not speak, and understands around a dozen one syllable words, she is very active, (24 years old), and goes to a Day Centre Monday to...
So, has he left for good or is it - as I suspect - that William Roache has been written out of the show for a while so that he can mourn the unfortunate death of his wife?
Hi everyone, im 25 and i`ve just got a nasty dose of the chicken pox. My mean irriatation is my scalp i can seem to control the itching else where. i was wandering if anybody had any ideas as to how i...
If any of you nice people know of any other social networking sites that allow chatting etc with no nasty flaming, I would really appreciate you posting the site name here... thanks!
My hubby's been having muscular pain in both his upper arms for 3 weeks. It's below the shoulders just above the biceps and it hurts if he tried to push his shoulders back. He did'nt lift any heavy...
''NHS officials are being issued with special masks but these are only effective when used by trained personnel exposed to the virus - other precautions must be taken to prevent infection'' How...
I have just come off mirtazapine as they weren't doing a lot. Followed Doctors instructions on how to stop them. I took the first citalopram tablet before bed last night and had the worst night ever!...