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I've turned into a complete worry wart recently. I keep worrying about things in the future that I don't have any control over, or worrying about little things that never ever turn out to be anything...
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please discuss
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Have I lost my sense of humour or has comic relief? I am a big supporter of this charity but I think they have lost their funny bone this year. Their recorded pieces however are beyond tragic and...
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I buy a monthly magazine which is priced at ?3.99. Last month they advertised that the April magazine would contain a brilliant gift with no mention of the cost of the magazine. I bought the April...
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There's been a clip played during several episodes of Oz and James. It's a classic song from the 60's with a lot of flute playing but what's it called?? PS I know the theme tune is Mr Bloe
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Soldier from Royal Welsh Regiment blown up in Afghanistan. That should please the moronic racists jeering our troops this week in Luton !!!!!!!!
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Billy Reid S
Am I the only person in the UK that is pi$$ed off with the prime viewing time given to that spoilt, pouting talentless slapper Paris Hilton? She's had her face on UK television every night for two...
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Why is it when i wake up sometimes my jaw feels like its locked?
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how can i detox my body
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Can a grade 2 listed building be demolished? There's a lovely house built in the 1600's by a wealthy landowner. Its been the local vicarage for donkeys years and long befor that,a farmhouse. Its...
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In light of recent and not so recent events, who thinks that it's time AB had an official "Hurling Abuse/ Arguments for the sake of it" section? There we could all behave like anarchic football...
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cut out all the rubbish c**p, back stabbing and wanting to score points of others ,and return AB chatterbank to a fun , light hearted site . Some of the recent stuff has been childish, nasty and very...
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your Ab username? And what do you think your name says about you?
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Can anyone please tell me what a Braxton Hicks feels like? I'm 27 weeks tomorrow and this morning awoke with a burning, cramp like sensation in my lower, right stomach area. It took a couple of...
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Here in NZ there seems to be more Reality shows than anything else. For instance, tonight on one channel there's 4 reality shows in a row! And every night there are 1 or 2 on every channel. Maddening...
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Goodnight Gute Nacht Buenas Noches Bon Nuit Dobraya Noch
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Does anybody know one?
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chinadog 8/HE-coward-mocking-victims-friendly-Families- dead-soldiers-react-fury-Muslim-hate-preacher. html
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For a fancy dress I want to bleach my hair an off white colour(very very blonde). My hair is currently mousey brown. Have you ant tips to do it myself, thus avoiding expesnsive salon costs? Thanks.
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All this talk of dangerous, genetically modified, food tasting horrible is nonsense. I mean, just today I had a delicious leg of salmon.

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