I posted last week about skin tag removal. Today, I noticed my most annoying one, at the side of my neck has gone. Is it usual for hem to just fall off without any intervention?
Anyone got any ideas for easy to prepare or buy 'red' themed food for Red Nose Day on Friday? Just simple cold snacky lunch type things? Looking for something other than the obvious iced fairy...
I'm an eighteen year old (well nineteen in a few weeks) and i've recently recieved my new blood donors card for having donated 5 times. I've now set myself the target of getting the top card possible....
Prince charles gives climate change warning. What a w@nker. His stupid kids fly on jolly hockey stick tours in taxpayers helicopter to girlfriends. etc etc etc . Is he a big joke or what.
Watching Michael Jacksons appearance at the o2 yesterday I immediately thought that he looked like a fake. I know he has had loads of facial surgery but everything about his mouth and nose looked...
Talking to my neighbour earlier,she said there's going to be a Titanic 2 where Jack is found frozen in the ice and thawed out and then goes on to tell the tale. I've googled but can't find...
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/7925167.stm Doctors call for the abolition of prescription charges in England. Should the English be expected to subsidise the health costs of the rest of the UK?
I recently heard back from my open plan office that one of the veteran staff there has been having a clothing issue. Myself and collegues are rather perturbed at the individual in question has been...
England is considering free prescriptions. We already have them in Wales. I think it is a mixed blessing. For those who are ill they are great, but you will get scroungers (rich and poor) who will...
anyone else got this catalogue? are they charging for goods on a monthly basis.? ie, asked for payment of ?60 but ?32 of this is for 'charges' so i only pay ?28 off my bill. don't remember signing for...