What is the meaning of "turn a crank", "grave apron" in the following sentences? The man turned a crank under the grave apron. Very slowly, the casket began sinking. They watched it until it came to...
I am getting a new company car soon. I can decide between the Audi's A4 and A6 and the BMW 3 and 5 series. Obviouisly tre A6 and 5 series are more expensive but are they worth paying the extra for. Am...
My 2003 Chevy Cavalier died out while stopped at the traffic light about 10 minutes after being started. It did start back up the first try. I've had a few previous incidents when it would die out...
Please could someone explain in very brief layman's terms what this means? I've just read an article that refers to visceral fat as being metabolically active. Does it mean that it needs calories to...
Can anybody tell me if it is dangerous to plug in a f/freezer after I have poked a hole in the works and gas has excaped. Hubby is away til Saturday and have freezer full of food. I was...
Hey Ed, Me again! :-) On the report question options, please could we have an option labelled "homework". It's fair enough when people want views or opinions, and one...
What is the meaning of "have a rip" in the following sentences? If his father had been a crooked judge, something Ray was not willing to believe, then Claudia would know about the money. It was...
What is the meaning of "train him and all", "croak" in the following sentences? Ray laughed louder. He could not, at that moment, ever remember having a talk about sex and money with a...
Ok, i remember seeing on telly a couple of years or more back that there was a religious film coming out that was possibly produced by christian people. The basic plot from what i remember is that...
i have a scrolling mouse, and when surfing the web, use it to scroll down the pages, my question is, sometimes the scrolling feature on my mouse just stops working, which the only way to get it...
Near where I work is a sandwich shop called 'baguetti juction', a local thai restaurant goes by the name 'the king and thai', and a fish and chip shop near where I used to live was run by an ex...
when you eat peanuts that have been roasted in thier shells are you meant to eat the dark flaky covering of each nut (not the shell, but the stuff round the peanut)
What is the best way for a woman to tone up her abdominal area? The wife is doing a few sit ups every now and again but I'm sure that they are supposed to be done in a certain fashion for...