I have raised 24 tomato plants from seed in a well scrubbed and sanitised greenhouse. All was well untill the plants were set into the soil when the leaves started to turn a lemon yellow colour...
I accept the theory of evolution in, well, theory, but there's a few things I've been thinking about that don't make sense. Like, if the first living things were microbes which had no eyes, how did...
Has anyone got any ideas why 2 clematis, planted in compost in a very large tub are not producing any flowers? This is their 3rd year so they are well established but they have never...
What is the meaning of "with an attitude" in the following sentence? "Hey, Dell!" Harry Rex yelled across the cafe. Dell did not appreciate being yelled at. She arrived with a...
Is there any place where the daytime maximum temperature is around 25 and minimum night temp of say 12 degrees on an all-year basis? Join the queue.....I asked first!
Can somebody explain the various electrical charges in the cochlea and the role of the stria vascularis in maintaining the potential of the endolymph - also is the perilymph electrically neutral?
I know one way that directs axons across the midline (Slit, comm, robo etc) but need to explain another way. Im thinking along the lines of chemotractic guidance and chemotrpic factors and I think i...
My dog has chiupped a bone in his 'wrist' and torn the ligaments. Vet doesn't want to strap as changing bandages would cause too much stress and reccommends complete rest ( ????? with a dog? ) Does...
A single wasp has built a little nest on the inside of the roof of my wooden garage. It is about 2 inches long and looks like a little chinese paper lantern. Presumably this isn't your common or...