I was reading the story on the beeb news website about Heathrow getting another runway ... http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/4612393.stm ...and it started me wondering how many runways can you fit within...
1) A rugby 'on' or a boxing 'out' (5): _ N _ C _ 2) Look after the ice hockey goal (4): T _ _ _ 3)Andrew, who flew on the wing for Harlequins and England (8): _ A _ R _ M _ N 4)Barry, former...
Does anyone know where this quote came from. I have found it on some sites but never with an author to it.
To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.
I have been told that there are books held in the Vatican that have never been seen by the general public. Has anyone else heard this? If so, what are they? thanks
Does anyone know where to find a picture or info on a famous war memorial photograph. It has one soldier looking defeated with his hand against the list of names on the memorial wall. In the...
I had a lovely show from geraniums planted last year and removed stalks at the end of the summer. This year they look rubbish, all lopsided and are barely flowering. Des anyone have any...
Hello ABE, Another thing... when will this function arrive? I know it's been said before, but it truly is very annoying that we can't shuffle our own text around to make sure it's in the best...