I've got a couple of bare fence panels above my patio and would like to cover these with trellis and a climber. I wondered if it's possible to successfully grow clematis in a (large) pot - or would it...
Does anyone know the original singer? First line is something like "Oh my papa, to me you are so wonderful" I think its possibly 1940s era. Thanks
My garden is rather shady. I planted three bush roses in April (as I've heard roses are pretty hardy). I was pleased to see that they all started budding and looking promising as I wasn't sure how...
I have a cooking apple tree in my garden and every year we throw loads of apples out as we just cant use them quick enough. i did toy with making homebrew cider but the processes involved took too...
So, the sun is shining and I deide to cut the grass, get the mower out and give the string (excuse my ignorance) a good pull to get the engine started, and then the string breaks and retracts itself...
I use dumbells as weight training mainly for my upper body, at the moment im doin sets of 20 reps per routine. I use the correct weights for my strength so does anyone know how long i should use...
My dog does this really weird thing with his food. He'll grab a mouthfull, run into another room with it, spit it out on the floor then delicately eat it bit by bit. I always presumed that with...
Can anyone please help? I recently found a frog had nested in one of our patio planters underneath an azalea, I can only presume that he likes the moisture in there, I'm quite happy for him to...
I was walking my dog last night and 10 mins into the walk I saw a fox quite a bit in front of me. It just stood there and looked at me then all of a sudden it screamed and charged at...