Get rid of grass in the pavilion (4,3) It would appear the answer is Turf out, which is a bit better than Turn out, but can someone confirm this, and explain what the 'pavilion' has got to do with it?
Can anyone explain exactly what Robert Service meant in the line: Never a track in the white ice-pack that humped and heaved and flawed, (For what it's worth my guess is something like 'tottered')
I've read that Napoleon said: I thank whatever Gods there may be for my unconquerable spirit. Can anyone confirm this? Also, although I can roughly translate this as: Je remercie n'importe quels Dieux...
Could you explain how LAYLOW fits Kept quiet in retreat? I thought Hadlow was a winner. If Lay = kept and Low = quiet, where exactly does 'retreat' fit in. All I can find for Laylow as one word is a...
I have read that Napoleon Bonaparte said: I thank whatever God there may be for my unconquerable spirit. Can anyone confirm this? Also, although I would translate this into something like: Je remercie...
The answer would seem to be 'domination' as it fits perfectly and defines part of the clue: Present compiler's back in control. But could someone explain the 'present compiler' bit please?
Finished the cryptic, finished the general knowledge; can't finish the 'quick' one: 13a Deprived (6) could be 'barren', but that leaves me with 12d 'Set down' -e-l-ad. The nearest I can get would be...