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Just had 2 salesmen entering the office from Mosco Marketing Ltd offering Victoria Jackson product bundle for 20 quid (they gave me a figure of its value in excess of 100 pounds). The bundle contains...
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Does anyone know somewhere to buy this in the UK?
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My joints keep giving way. My knees feel like they contain sand. Everything clicks. Anyone had this or similar?
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Any quick remedies besides going to the dentist ?
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Hi - anyone know anything about rosescia? Over the last couple of weeks my nose is looking red and it itches - no rash, just annoying. Friends have suggested cortisone cream, but I am not too sure....
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cheers 4 ur advise another problem started 2day when i stop engine cuts out it starts straight away after . rev counter slowly moves up down when i first start it cn any1 help
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Hi, I wonder if someone out there could give me some advice please. I asked a web designer to design me a new website to contain certain discount codes etc he promised faithfully that it would be done...
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Are they any better to normal skincare/haircare products or is all just hype?
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hi, can anyone suggest a product that will prevent ingrowing hairs (bikini area in particular) thanx.
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I have tried the cracked heel cream thats advertised on tv and also heel softening cream but am going through them at a rate of knots any one got a natural remedy i can try thanks in advance.
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I have had long hair most of my life but now at 38 it is starting to go a bit fuzzy and thin. I don't want to go and have it cut so I can look "my age"!! Any idea of good products that can get rid of...
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can ne 1 reccommend a product that can reduce fine lines around that area and get results thanks

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