am i alone?? am i the only person that doesnt go out on fri night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ho hum right no more tea for me or i will be needing to wee till 3 you see ive got a bad knee and i lost my key...
Please can anyone advise me on my problem, I am in my early 50's and have developed a "spotty chest", I like to wear v neck jumpers and my chest looks as if I am a spotty teenager. Help!!
....following on from my last question.... I'm completely anti-smoking, but the very very worst, off-putting thing about a woman smoking is when she's smoking roll-ups!! Yuck! Anyone got an opinion on...
i was asked today but a more intelligant 4yr old, what super hero i'd like to be............ i though i'd like to be superman, x-ray vision, just think of the fun or the silver but...
my sister inlaws just text me asking if im out sat night as on monday shes starting a liquid diet to loose weight what does that mean all shell be doing is drinking instead of eating
ok so i know you can't catch anything from toilets seats normaly but i'm still paranoid. ok so i was dozy tart at work the other day and slightly missed the toilet when i went to sit down. So instead...
my friend has just got back from his usual 3 week holiday in phuket, thailand and was as happy as i've seen him, he explained that he had met a lovely girl? and can't wait to see her again after...
To what extent did the Sun's paper sales recover? Kelvin McKenzie is recently reported to have said he apologised only because Rupert Murdcoh ordered him to. How has that gone down in Liverpool?
1) Drink pints 2) Be drunk in public 3) Pretend to be hard 4) Try to dominate men 5) Eat in public (except restaurants) 6) Never say the f or c word 7) Smoke anything (ummmmmmm, you have disappointed...
Just a word of warning,not a question. If you should happen to buy a ladies shaving cream/lotion containing aloe vera.camomile and TEA TREE OIL, please only use it to shave your legs,and not your...
"All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become." i didnt then i started thinking and then i thought oh no now i'll become, so i tryed to stop...