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Hello, My son is now 14?months old and is sleeping in a cotbed. He's walking and climbing as they do now. So, when do I move him from the cotbed to the bed?? Is he ready now or is it too early? TIA...
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i have a job interview on thursday, i need to know about pca. i have some background info about it, but i will be taking part in role plays and don't have the correct phrases to use when i will be...
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I have a 7 month old and the last 3-4 nights he's been waking up around 2am which is unusual for him. I just found out I'm prenant again yesterday (whoop whoop!), do you think he knew before me??!!...
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Hi, I am a Mum to an 11 week old baby girl and was wondering if anyone knows when it's 'ok' to starrt weaning them onto food.. i.e baby rice, rusks etc? Guidelines state that this shouldn't be done...
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why is it that hv and a lot of ppl are so against the use of talc on babies? i use it everyday on my 8 month old daughter and have had no problems at all!!
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What are peoples views on single parents? Is it fair on the child? As most single mums dont work, is it fair that they get put at the top of the list for everything? (housing etc) Is it fair our taxes...
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Hello, just to let you know I gave birth Monday Morning at 2:01am to a 9lb 2oz baby boy! I went into hospital on Wednesday because I was spotting. Thursday I found out I was 2cm dialated. Friday went...
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And why are us pregnant ladies told to make the most of it and get as much as possible when its impossible? Anyone else struggling with the night times or is it just me? I seem to have no problem...
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I'm not going to be induced till the day before my due date, the 8th of January!! I'm so gutted!! As I've mentioned in an earlier post at 36wks my baby weighed 7 pounds and 8 ounces!! So, he's not...
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what i can take (other than paracetamol) for a cold / flu symptoms? I know we cant take decongestants and i cant get to see a GP til new year so has anyone found a safe releif from the cold and flu...
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Ok, just for those who think I may not stress about silly things in pregnancy, I thought Id share. so Im 22 and a bit weeks now, baby is kicking like a pro footballer and i can now feel the kicks...
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It's me again!! Been to see midwife last week, and I was 35wks and measuring 39wks which is a massive growth of 4wks ahead instead of my usual wk or 2!! She has now made me an appointment to see a...
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Hello ladies. I am 23 weeks now (well I will be tomorrow) and I can really feel my heart beating fast today, I feel a bit giddy like I haven't eaten for ages (trust me - I have). I have an appt with...
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Hello, has anyone used a TENS machine before to help with labour pains? What do you think of it?? I'm trying to think of alternatives to the dreaded EPIDURAL!!!!!
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Ive just seen a one of the mums from school who said "you look like youve had enough" I said I have and then she went on to tell me her friend gave birth to twins this morning at 36 weeks, both babies...
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i did a pregnancey test in early october because i missed my period and it came up possitive i am now according to my midwife 11 weeks 4 days but as she felt my stomach she said that she couldnt feel...
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I had my 20 week scan today, we hoped to find out whether it be boy or girl, but s/he's obviously shy because they had they legs closed and wouldn't let us peep. Sonographer was a bit snotty about it,...
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Helo, I'm 32wks gone and have a big cold and a tickly cough. Every time I get a fit of coughing I throw up!! So annoying, my belly aches coz I cough so much too. What is safe to take during pregnancy,...
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I posted a question last week and I've spoken to the midwife who told me to ring the Early Pregnancy Assess. Unit at the hospital to try and get in for an early scan. I rang them and they said that...
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In August I had a miscarriage in my 8th week of pregnancy. On Saturday I had a very short, extremely light bleed but then stopped. My friend said this sounded like an implantation bleed and that I...

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