i have full custody of my 16 year old son and his father has parental responsibility, we were not married at the time he was born. i went to greece a year ago and as my son did not want to go due to...
I want to make a CD containing all the no.1 records on a certain day. I have the list of these songs but no idea where to go to download them. I have no copies of the early ones, the 'middle' ones I...
on your head that is lol I got mine shaved again at the sides, first time for years but now silly ole Mr Cat has proposed I want it grown in quite a lot for the wedding. its not for a year yet and I...
whats your favourite thing to do whilst sitting in an airport waiting for a departure ? Seeing as smoking is out . So reading ?Listening to music ?Drinking ? Well????? Legends never die .
Does anyone else sometimes have trouble differentiating between dreams and reality? Sometimes I have dreams about normal things, for example a conversation with someone, and when I think back I tend...
With so many of you expectant mums seeming to be due around now, I think its time we had an update on your due dates. To all those who are just finding expecting, feel free to add your dates too :)
Is a new user to this site. I have suspicions that he is my friend from Cornwall. Though I suspect that all will be revealed later today. He is new to all of this and even to a new laptop computer. If...
he was watching tv in the morning with his kids. he called the tv station and told them they werent allowed to show the simpsons anymore. but instead he told them to show ???? well??? guess??? well it...
Can anyone recall silly things that you may've thought when you were a child? I always thought that when you paid money into your savings account they kept it in a box for you and gave the exact...
I wake every night on numerous occasions with aches and pains, i went as far as to buy a mattress topper a few months ago but it hasent made a scrap of difference, the bed is wooden with slats and...
If a company had stopped taking payments. Even though money was still owed to them. Then 4 years later, without any contact with debtor in that time, can they come back to claim the rest. Can they do...