Please help with the following: 12ac An article on path to enlightenment that's exclusive to women (6) _ E _ A _ A. I am not sure if the last letter is correct. 29ac Car cover thousands of pounds at a...
Only a few to get. 4d Figures I found at end of letter written by doctor (6) R _ O _ B _. Could it be RHOMBS ? 34ac Miss daughter in Slough, leading to depression (5,3) B - - - K, - - -
Just two to get. 3ac Performers take it when entering old bit of cave ? (10) - T - L - C - I - E . It looks like stalactite i.e old bit of cav but I don't get the performers bit. 19ac Gives undue...
Need help with the following:
7ac Couple one getting divorced , given state of the union. (11)
29d Primitive type had learn't name , mispelt with extra 'n'. ( 11,3) ??????????? Man.
18ac We may be entertained by black brother who offers booze ? (6) _ R_W_ _ 39ac Agent saying nothing initially denied name (6) R _ P_T_ 38d A motor cut out - first sign of malfunction in this? (10) _...
Can anyone help with my last two ? 17ac In part, Indian city's backing David (8) _S_L_I_T . I am not sure if I have all of these lettters correct. 26ac Added one's name - no good, that's undated (4,3)...