Last two for me, as follows: 19d Find pleasant article first from things of the same kind (3,4) - h - , l - - - 28ac Replacement team in Church of Scotland had approval from BSI. (8) - -t - - - - -...
18D After hunt one's carried in old coach (4 - 6) 7AC Pleasant to swim when doing backstroke (5) S - p - - 15ac Daisy, posh girl nibbling sandwiches (9) 22 D Play Elgar's Variations with these (3,...
I need help with the following: 1ac American's money excessively reduced the prominent facial feature (4,5) 6ac Increase physique, gettig out of bed (5-2) 50ac Hymn we try out, to voice stirringly ?...
26ac Hounds nowadays can't produce much profit. (4,1,7) 3d Town to note on top of hill (9) 9ac Variable payment for killing trapped vermin (7) E - - - - - C Is it erratic ?
Last few for me 4d See Irish politician on burning vessel coming round. (2,6) S- , d - v - d - - 27 ac Work found in Surrey was motive to travel from the east ( 3, 6 ) - - M, - A - Y - R
1ac Host entertaining a hundred with sexy companion ? (3,5) 5ac Darkness when one hasn't got on with the puzzle. (6) 20 ac Done with wealth squandered ? (4-2-4) Any help would be appreciated.
I cannot really get going with this today. !ac Descending water, barrel helps, it's said ? (8) 20d Thereafter, I'm held to be Scott's Redgauntlet (7) This one starts with L.