I start off well ….. But I’m determined to lose a stone and a half for my up and coming holiday at the end of April. Have you made one? Or broke one ? Or do you not bother? Remove the word resolution...
Leonard Nimoy most famous for the role of Spock actually did some directing including Star Trek 3 the search for Spock and of course Star Trek 4, the voyage home but in a complete change of subject...
Do you ever put your head in your hands and despair? A female volunteer turned up to collect food from a food bank container. She was assaulted by three men, hit in the face and knocked to the ground....
For a bit of light hearted fun and a trip down memory Lane What was your favourite fashion? Has to be the mini skirt for me What was the drink you said Never Again? Definitely Cherry B and cider, I...
This example is from across the pond but I would be surprised if it isn't happening over here. https://uk.yahoo.com/news/man-dies-family-cant-hospital-172731946.html The anti-vaxxers refuse the...
After 6 months of seeing her fella, my colleague dumped him today by text message. It made me wonder, is it cruel to end a relationship by text or would you prefer to be let down this way? He was...
Following the death of King Harold (Godwinson) at the battle of Hastings the next King of England was not William I but Edgar, we has never crowned but was king for 64 Days, elected by the Witen...
We used to go out to our local and queue to get in we’d all take something for the buffet table, everyone knew each other so it was like one big happy family , the juke box would be blasting out and...
Hundreds of British and American soldiers killed and maimed in Afghanistan,for what? So that boys of 10 and 11 can shine shoes instead of going to school so that they can help feed their families.
What food did you enjoy eating most this Christmas. ( not drink) I bought a small joint of brisket. I popped it in a thick freezer bag first and boiled it for an hour, then into a hot oven and roasted...
Clacton beach, Christmas Day: Rough seas, a bitterly cold wind and driving rain. So, obviously, it's time for . . . https://i.postimg.cc/xTmqzGwb/DSC01882.jpg...
what a mentally disturbed teenager, revenge ermm what does the queen have to do with the amritsar massacre 1919.
Now is the time that Brits start to book their Summer Holidays Abroad . Will the ...Basking in the sun ,drinking, Pina Calada's on the beaches of the Med Holiday, ..now become a thing of the...
Have you any hobbies? I collect the little balls that are inside spray paint tins and store them in orange & q buckets which I also collect I once made a necklace from said balls before my first date...
Keep him in the glass box until he dies or ???