What a brilliant relationship the script writer has thought up between Martin & Louisa! Martin is so eccentric but so loving towards Louisa & the baby. Love watching the interaction between...
Did anyone watch this. I didn't mind him in his hey day and admit I only watched to see who was in the celebrity audience [sad isn't it] . I only recognized a few from Eastenders, Lulu, and one of the...
How can I set my Sky Plus to receive Granada programmes at the moment we receive Border, the Sky set up system says you need to know the frequency of Granada, but where do I get that from?
Recently I emptied some charity collection box's However some of the coinage was in a disgusting state, it appeared that some sort of corrosive liquid had been put in the box, the affected money...
I have a ?5000.00 Pensioners Bond about to mature and as you can longer invest in them they are finished Which is the best option,Income Bonds or Guaranteed Bonds?
Eight Loaves all the same weight except one which is heavier, using balance scales what is the minimum number of weighings to pick out the heavy loaf every time