I watched Revolver - the new Guy Richie film last night. i thought it was really good, but my girlfriend hated it and didn't get it. Can anyone else tell me what they thought of the film, and what...
My husband is in the military. We are buying our first home. We would like to keep it when we move. But we don't know the first thing about renting our home. Just a few pointers on getting started...
Crop circles- is there any evidence to suggest that these are created by a higher intelligence or just man-made as most people suggest? Just curiouse and need this to seattle an argument at work :)
The official and foreign-sounding name of the peaceful and noble complex of buildings built on the Egyptian ruins of 40,000 books destroyed in a terrible fire in the First Century B.C.
I adore america and for as long as i can remember i have wanted to live there, but it is near imposable to get visas. We dont have fifty grand in the bank or proffesions that are very usefull, im a...
39d An animal whose teeth are consolidated with the edge of the jawbone, rather than having sockets (8) A-R-D-N- ALL HELP MOST GRATEFULLY RECIEVED ..THANKYOU
There's a poster outside the church doors, on the top of it there's written: "Jesus is Our Lord" and below - this phrase: If you assume, it makes an ass out of U and me. I see that Assume = Ass + U +...
Hi anyone out there any remedies for removing scratches from household window glass, have tried rubbing with toothpaste but not made any progress. thanks in anticipation
What's the deal here? I went to Edinburgh today and got ripped off with your bus system. Exact money in the box? What, can't your drivers add up? My return was worse as I only...
Saw the film CAL many years ago and loved. Starred Helen Mirren about IRA militants. But can any one tell who was the other main actor...the character named Cal. Thanks
...To anybody who was interested the OFFICIAL answer to the Dingbat ........ Dr Dr ..........is, Doctor Doctor...Amongst other things there is a film of that name...commoner.
The answer to "one who's addicted to pot" (5) T?E?C would appear to be THEIC. Theic appears in several crossword lists but not in my dictionaries. Can anyone give a meaning to theic?