I have already finished my duties for theday and as its jewish new year im on my own, the phone has rang once since 9am with NOTHING to do!! HELLLPPP!!!!!!!
What's the best foundation for someone who is now forty,with an oily T-zone. I want something that is light, but has staying power and gives the skin a glow, without looking oily, with some...
i read a couple of posts on champagnes question and some of you were saying it was your bday on the 28th just to say mines on the 29th and ill be 17 along with my friend do who else has a birthday...
Whilst dressing the Christmas tree last night my son asked me why Santa wears the red outfit,can anyone enlighten us? Whilst we're about it,Merry Christmas to all ABers!
I,ve got a problem with someone I have to work with. Today i thought i was doing her a favour , but she didn't see it that way and totally over reacted and called me some offensive names. Its not the...
Can anyone recommend a good face mask for oily skin? I use 'mudd' face mask at the moment and the effect it had is starting to wear off. I think my skin is starting to get used to it. Thanks x
Which would you prefer? Both my parents are buried and whilst that means it is a place to go to take plants and flowers, i hardly ever go even though it is only 3 miles away. It is a very bleak cold...
Do you have a favourite season of the year. Mine in order of preferance are, Autumn, Winter, Spring,and Summer. I love this time of year because of the trees changing colour,cooler days, kicking...
What are people's real names and ages (some are pretty obvious/ you don't have to say if you'd rather not.)? It's interesting (and I'm bored)... and one interesting fact about you... I'll start: I'm...
It suddenly hit me today - I turn 30 in 5 months and I haven't done a thing with my life! Eek!!! Spent the day bugging my friends (who have all turned 30 already and are feeling smug cos I mocked them...
Now bearing in mind that I am a single parent and a student, is it ok that I have done a lot of my christmas shopping on e-bay??All the stuff I bought is boxed (and most of it says it is new) Do you...
I have had a bad cold for four days now , and when i breathe out i hear crackling sounds in my chest , do i need to see a doctor and how urgent should i be?
What i would like to know about the tsunami disaster and all the money that is being donated, is who thinks that the western world would have been so genorous if it wan'st for the fact that alot of...
The news is that Landowners and Farmers are to create bureaucratic sabotage by requesting utility companies to move power lines on their land in protest of the hunting ban. I feel this is a...