This is PC gone mad, if the little pig upsets the Muslims religious beliefs, then surely they should be given the opportunity to buy the toy farm without the pig, instead of...
I will be in London in a couple of weeks time. I will arrive at St. Pancras Station and then need a bus to Hampton Court. I;m a bit claustraphobic and want to avoid the underground. Can anyone tell me...
Hi, My husband and I got a black labrador one year old from the kennels, when we first got her, she was fine with other dogs, but recently or the past couple of weeks, she has became very aggressive...
Hi I want to buy a surprise ticket for my husband for the match on the 28th Dec (xmas pressies!) I have registered online to buy a ticket but havent a clue which seat is the best - can anyone help me...
1. Between earth and sky (7 letters).
2. Their Highways Are Slippery (3,4,8).
3. Nothing new about this (8,4,4).
4. Game location (10).
Any help much appreciated, Thankyou....
Well as it seems to be the 'in thing' at the mo I've just booked a session with the hypnotherapist to stop smoking.
It had better be good as it's costing me the price of 400 fags....
And what is her job? I didn't realise she is a 'commoner,' I thought she was from aristocratic stock. On a programme tonight they spoke briefly of her time at uni but I don't think they mentioned what...
4a Exclusive miss entering diplomatic corps (6) 23a Only Conservative docrine thats seen as a mistake (8) s-----s- 18d Support friend without running the risk of prosecution (7) Lap?---- 25a Sound of...
Why do cats nudge your hand with their head when you either go to stroke them or you put your hand near them??
Anyone got any other interesting facts about cat behaviours??...
I have inherited a ships decanter and would love to use it this Christmas. Please advise correct alcohol it should be used for, we don't seem to agree.
Am I alone in questioning the quality, the value and the integrity of U.S inteligence services? http://www.propaganda...stratingterrorism.htm Paying someone to set up a terrorist cell and then... I have just seen it mentioned on the Daily cooks Challenge and this is the second time I've ever heard of it, apparently it has a really unique flavour and is...
Bob Edmiston is to be made a peer Does this self-made man have qualifications other than being a major Tory party donor. Well yes He is behind three acadamy schools the "grace" acadamies in...
24 across, One examining old coin found in part of bed. T?S?E?. Is it tester or testee ??
who knows and whats the bed connection ? Thanks for any help....
never heard of him? Here is a list of his achievements: 1. Loaned the Labour Party £250,000 2. Er... 3 That's it http://www.timesonlin...cs/article5254231.ece Cash for Honours all over again?...