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China Doll 726.stm I find this really quite insane.... But that said I have seen some of the threads in News get really rather heated and have even nearly lost my...
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I have a mercury barometer that has air bubbles in the mercury column. Does anyone have any idea how to get them out (without poisoning myself)?
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There was a topic, Internet and Technology, - mysteriously it's no longer available, so this topic section is the nearest I can find. The other night there was a localised loss of broadband service...
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I've been offered a job as a freelance, to be paid gros and for me to sort out the usual outgoings for myself. I think an average wage has about twenty per cent of it redirected before the intended...
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The lawyer of the shrouded teacher has said that unless Tony Blair withdraws his comments on the incident, (he has supported the way in which the incident was handled) the teacher will bring...
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This was advertised in the Telegraph today...think it's a good idea...anyone interested in signing their petition?
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I am getting so sick of those foreigners who move here and subsequently have British born families who then complain that this Country does not honour their religion or that we insult them by our own...
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Has everyone, like myself and all the people I know, heard enough now? Everywhere, the talk is of Islam, which of course is playing right into the hands of extremists, for this is exactly what they...
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I've just watched a news report o the lady working for BA or whoever, the one who was sent home for wearing a cricifix around her neck. Having now seen the offending tiny crucifix, I'm somewhat...
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Without condoning anything that has taken place in the past should he be allowed out of dentention to join a coalition government and help right the wrongs of the current absurb situation which can...
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reading in the papers about this this nutter, is this the ultimate p@@S take on british tax payer. 70517-details/Hamza+wife+faces+eviction+from+%...
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ianess and_east/6043624.stm Are the lunatics now in total control of the asylum?
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How can I become a Buddist? This is quite a strange and broad question I know but I'm really intrerested. What do you have to do? What are the main bits? hehe, so random but does anyone know?
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Has anyone got trouble with their free view box the last day or so? We are in Lancashire (if that matters) and all the chanels are "no signal" except BBC1 and BBC2, It's driving us daft because we...
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OK - Hands up all those of you ( can you see mine going up ? ) who were not aware that he was considered to have messed up his famous lines as he became the first human being to set foot on the moon ....
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Does anyone think that B N P should run britiain instead of labour? YES OR NO
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We are now told that our prisons are full. Does anybody think now is the time to bring back Capital punishment, seeing we now have improved detection methods such as DNA testing? Also should...
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whats happened to them mr clay change his name because he did not like fighting?
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jamwan55 dberg-machine/
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can anyone tell me why my bathroom light stays on even when I have switched it of

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