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this is not sexist could a decent sunday morning pub team beat englands finest ladies?
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would you most like to eat a cabbage with while listening to the greatest hits of rolf harris while sitting in a cardboard box throwing monkey nuts at the nearest seagull whils humming the them tune...
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Not quite sure this is the right section to post this question in, but recent reports suggest that British people are flocking to live abroad. Would you want to live abroad, and if so where - and why?
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~ vortex ~ nationals/6363435.stm Who else thinks that this is a cop out by the FA to limit the number of defeats on the English national squad? What is wrong with...
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what job do you do and do you enjoy it .what other job would you like to do if you could ????????
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1)the uneducated loser who sits at home all day and collect benefits and have adulterous online relationships without having any real idea who they're talking to 2) The care giver who is at home for...
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Does anyone else not like the feel of paper, or cardboard? I hate having to flick through paper, or screw it up, it just makes me cringe. Does anyone else have this strange phobia (if thats what you...
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Not a question, so it will get zapped quickly, just want to say goodbye to all of you, I don't think I will be back again, take care all.
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My daughter started with a large bank this week, today told to leave after receiving bad reference, which we don't understand. Can we get copies to see who gave this as she has had a problem.
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I didn't watch the Bolton v Arsenal match but have just come across this incident If Drogba or Ronaldo had been involved would there have been the same non...
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Valentine's Day was defintely worth the delay in order to watch the match last night. Any football fan has to admit (although you probably won't...) Arsenal's football in the first half was out of...
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following on from sams question I was wondering what aber you would rather NOT meet your family but rather get down and dirty in the bedroom with.
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right im in a situation at the moment at work! i really hate it where i work but im on a really good wage. Now my Q is do u think i should move jobs if im not happy and risk getting a lower wage or...
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What is your all time favourite thing! Ever Only ONE though!! e.g. chocolate, sex , football! etc etc myn as to be mmmmmmm chocolate or sex chocolate or sex chocolate or sex!!! er..........(puts...
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Hi i would like your opinions on something! Im thinking of proposing to my GF in July at my brothers wedding...WAIT i know what your thinking dont do it cos it will steal my bros thunder etc etc etc...
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Is a kidney Infection dangerous when you are pregnant?
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how many of us have SUFFERED as a result of having seen a doctor who has mis-diagnosed ??? from the simple things to major issues. i know it can be tough at the top, but people have died as a result...
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Only acceptable; 1. In the 70s 2. On porn stars. 3. On old ladies. I know this is completely irrational, but I take an instant distrust to blokes who have moustaches. Am I alone?
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sorry ed, a quick get well card to carakeel, please sign below.

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