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what games did you play outside as kids? i remember playing kirby, stuck in the mud, and 40 40.
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Does anyone know any websites where I can get some really cheap art prints. Ideally needs to be modern (ish) art. The kind of thing you'd find in the argos catalogue. Thanks
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does anyone know the correct name for a chefs hat. thanks in advance
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I remember them being sold in the shops a few years ago. Does anyone know if you can still get them.
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My daughter is one next month. All her little friends are also one next month. There's five of them in total (we all met at post-natal), and their birthdays all fall within a fortnight. The other four...
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anyone remember those big green glass plant terrariums? Im trying to find one but no joy through the usual channels..any ideas please.
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Whats the red stars beside your answer mean and who rates you?
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Whats all this about being able to text from and to a landline? How does that work - hhow do you know if you have received a text does the phone just ring? What if you're not in Do you need an...
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Anywhere I can go on net and buy a baby flat cap. Do one in H & M but don't get out much to shops.
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My stilleto heels are always wearing out so quickly! I seem to be walking on the metal pins that are inside the heel more often than the heel itself. I heard from someone that shoemakes can put a sort...
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Can anyone tell me the best way to defrost a fridge? Can I use bowls of hot water with salt in them, or a squirt of lemon? Many thanks.
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I need to dress in 80's fashion this saturday for an event we're having at work only I'm not sure what to wear! I was thinking of leggings with a mini skirt over the top but what should I wear on my...
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Can anyone tell me what name/term is used to describe the condition where the pigment in skin becomes patchy and a different colour to your normal skin colour? Thanks
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I've managed to scratch the screen of my i-pod. Can anyone give any tips on how to sort it (I know it will never go away!) Thanks
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Where can I buy one of those luggage cases on wheels for my little boy (5)? Preferably with a cartoon or logo like Power Rangers. Thank you but please don't suggest looking on a search engine; I have...
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can anyone give me advice on where to buy or at least view wallpaper online? Im looking for somewhere that supplies to the UK. And i would really like brown and torquoise kinda designer looking stuff....
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I'm am buying my child an inflatable Bouncey Castle from Argos, and also buying the electric pump. But the caption reads that its Airflow. Does anyone know what this means? Thank you in advance
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Does anyone know if Willenhall has a train station and town centre ?
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HI, how long will it take for my passport to come if I send the application in the next couple of days? I want to travel in 4 weeks, will it be back by then. i really dont fancy standing at...
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Im doing a A-level study on the transportation system of Criminals being transported from Cells to court. Was wondering if anyone could give me some pointers? Anyone know what the company that runs...

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