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i have recently gone for the ntl all in one package, i really want to throw my telly through the window now. ntl is a pain in the ar*e!!!! anyone else agree or am i on my own?
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i have just had a scan and they say my womb is thicker than normal, also i have a "string of pearls" around my ovaries, they also took bloods to check my hormones and i go back in 5 weeks for results,...
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Hello, I've seen a few threads from some poor women who've experienced violence from their parner in some form or another. The advice has been almost 100% zero tolerance. What if the roles are...
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Why am I tired all the time. I dont have a job at the moment but can fall asleep whilst watching tv or reading. I have a lot of stress in my life at the moment.
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I just read Englishbirds thread and that got me wondering, where abouts are our Nuclear Weapons? Are they in the mountains somewhere or out at sea? hmm. Does anybody know? Thanks
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Anyone else want Dean to win?!
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what intervention/support is available for this condition on the nhs?
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When I was involved in a road accident recently a really lovely man helped me. He really didn't have to do what he did and I'm so grateful to him. If a lady had helped me, I'd have sent her flowers...
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curly sue
Has anybody used any of these? Can they be reccommended? thank you
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<P align=center>I suffer from major depression and I'm 16 years old. I see a pyschiatrist and I am on 20mg of Prozac a day. However yesterday I wanted to end my life... I wrote a suicide letter...
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1. What percentage of people die from NON smoking related diseases? 2. Which diseases are now attributed to smoking, which existed before 'smoking' was invented in this country? I see that the latest...
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hey all, im 17 years old studying maths, physics, chemistry and geography at a-level. im looking to go into some form of engineering. until now ive been heading in the mechanical engineering...
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Harry Nuttal
I'm doing a quiz and including an Our Survey Says section. What do you have for breakfast? sort of thing and was going to include a Which TV presenter / personality gets up your nose most? Any...
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I am going out on my first date tomm and I wanna noe how to kiss my girl I am 13 yrs old :-D
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just though i'd let you all know that i told mymum whe she came back face to face and she was glad that i told her sooner rather than later, thank you all so much for encouraging me to do so. i hate...
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Britain have already begun designing a range of nuclear weapons to replace the existing trident warheads. This is with no commons debate, and the official government line is that no decision has been...
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In June last year my partner of 5 years ended our relationship suddenly at first with no reason, I later discovered it was because he had been seeing someone else. Anyway here I am 9 months later and...
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Can I share with you the online game. It's no way like the real thing but cures my cravings!th
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Where does the word CHAV come from?
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I am not planning on giving up, so no nagging :) but how can i remove the embarrassing stains from my fingers? please help x

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