Has anyone else decided on hymns / readings for their own funerals? I like Christina Rosetti's When I am dead my dearest Sing no sad songs for me Plant thou no roses at my head Or shady cypress tree...
Watching the Gallilipolli Commemoration on the News,I noticed Prince Charles sporting a chestful of medals.Just what did he do to be awarded these,and just what medals are they anyway?
Has anyone seen the film yet? Is it worth seeing for more than the value of perving on Martin Freeman for a couple of hours? Stars out of 5 please! Thanks! :-)
I watched Poltergeist at the weekend for the first time. My friend told me that the little blond girl, Carol-Ann, died around the time of release. I have since spoken to someone else who...
There have been a couple of threads recently about killing various animals - often those classed as vermin by some. i was curious how many people think killing foxes, crows, squirrels etc is wrong BUT...
Maybe this just comes from being an only child, but did anyone else out there have an imaginary friend?? Mine was called "Pilleck" and he did lots of bad stuff that got me into trouble, but he...
Why is the countryside alliance not prominently supporting the Tories who have made a manifesto pledge to end the ban on fox hunting??. Also the countyside alliance who promised great battles are...
I know a couple of people who have told me they don't like animals and they grew up in a household without pets. I find it really hard to relate to, as I can't imagine not going soppy over a cat or...
Just been reading a post regarding right/left handed children. It made me wonder how many ABer's are left or right handed. Hope tha'ts ok Ed! BTW - I'm left handed & left footed.
is it true that if a person takes the pin from a hand grenade and swallows the grenade chances are he or she, as the case may be,will have their blooming insides all over the bloody pavement? and as...
Am I right in thinking that to get parole you have to at least admit your crime. If so, how did he get released and straight away say " Im innocent" to the waiting press? Am I wrong or should the old...