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how would be the best way for a lad of 21, who's come to the uk from portugal after playing league two football over there, to get a trial with a club or two over here?
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In the1933/4 season dixie played with number 10 on his shirt for 1 game only.? who played in the mumber 9 shirt
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Lampard gets off with Red Card, Allialidaire doesn't. More or less the same scenario so 1 Rule for "Big" Clubs and another for "Small" Clubs?
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Why do we need extra time in football? 90 minutes should mean 90 minutes, It I go to work scheduled for 90 mins thats all I get paid for, tea breaks toilet breaks,unexpected situations all inclusive...
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What frequency do the premier league referee's radios transmit?
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why do we need extra time in football? 90 minutes should mean 90 minutes irrespective of what goes on in between, maybe it would stop all the faffing about, If I go to work on a 90 min schedule thats...
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I'm trying to organise a AGM for our local centre for 28 May but want to make sure that there will be no significant football tournaments (eg UEFA cup or Champions league etc) being played that night...
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I could only get a ticket with the Coventry fans for THE big cup match Saturday. Has anybody else ever had to watch their team from behind enemy lines,and what happened? I've done it at...
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why do LFC tend to do better in Europe and do really bad in the league? i mean comon they havent won the league since the premership was introduced! :( cm'on boys 2009 will b your season!! Champion of...
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Who was the last English footballer to get his 100th England Cap.
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What a petulant act from the CAPTAIN of a major football club. Just a week after getting away with kicking Nani up in the air, he behaves like a spoilt child when a decision goes against him. I had to...
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Has anybody on here had really bad depression, I don't mean a bit fed up or p!ssed off, but proper depression, The reason I ask is, that nearly 3 years ago a good friend of mine commited suicide and...
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A friend is considering selling up and moving to france where property is supposedly cheaper that way he will be able to live mortgage free with a bit of cash in the bank. Sounds fabulous but i m sure...
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If someone with multiple personalities kills himself/herself, is it considered murder or suicide?
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Was getting a lift home from a collegaue last night. We were about to turn into a minor road, but had to wait for this bloke who thought he owned the place and decided to cross the minor road at his...
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Hey, does anyone have a really good website that shows national averages for what i shoudl be earning.... Im in the construction industry if that helps....
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I know this is a confusing and oddly irrelevant question but i want to prove a simple point to a certain Aber... My question is, 1) If somebody is posting on AB does that mean that they dont have a...
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gloria jean
anyone know a tasty recipe for onion gravy ? personally i do not like onions caramalised as they taste too sweet for me. many thanks
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I had two female mice, both 6 weeks old when I got them in September 2006. One has just died - I don't know why - she very quickly became wobbly and shaky and then was gone. The other is fine. If I...
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can you de flea your cat if you think they may be pregnant

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