Why am I so very hungry (like I have to eat now or I will fall over and die) the morning after eating a rather large or rather late meal the previous night?
I seem to remember once hearing a word that means music aficionado or someone who studies or knows about music/bands/singers. Is there such a word or do I have to make one up?
Honest question here - How in the world can I convince a shopaholic pack-rat with a clothes fetish (my wife) to part with things that she obviously does not need as they have been piled up untouched...
I am making a spreadsheet and I have a column with dates. I want the next column to show the date exactly 17 years later. Is there a way to make the spreadsheet fill in the second column...
I know this was touched on not long ago, but ...How did it come to be that one rotation of the moon on its axis takes exactly the same amount of time as one revolution of the moon around earth,...
I want to build a 50 ohm dummy load capable of handling 100W at 3-30 MHz. I think I can simply connect twenty 1K, 5W resistors in parallel. Is it really that simple? Will I need some sort of...
We have created a number of linked pictures on a website using this format:<A target='_blank' href="(address)/"><IMG BORDER="0" WIDTH="nnn" HEIGHT="nnn" SRC="(address).jpg"></A>When...
Every category I click gives me this: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e14' A floating point exception occurred in the user process. Current transaction is canceled....
I heard a very angry woman call another woman and her family "a horse with no name." I quess it was supposed to be an insult. Anyone get it? If so, what does it mean?