i remember the "good old days" when we had colours/ bold and italics etc...! I don't see why this can't be brought back. Unnecessary some might say but i thought it brightened AB up. Any chance Ed???
Just to lighten the mood. 1) What is the sexiest national accent ? 2) What is the sexiest international accent ? 3) Where was your first French kiss ? 4) Have you got a slightly creepy family member ?...
A girl round the corner from me has had her baby and called her adorable little girl Beyonce. Why?????? I havent been so stuck since a friend called hers Belladonna Tuesday! Any other names you have...
Which AB is the 1. Best looking - not sure - is self voting allowed? 2. Funniest -jno 3. On here the most - Legend or Dot H? Neck and neck maybe. 4. Weirdest - nitestalker 5. Sanest - B00. 6. Richest....
After having a shower or bath do you tend to towel dry yourself differently depending on whether you are alone in the bedroom/bathroom or whether your partner can see? For example after bath last...
Have any A/Bers takes St Johns Wort for Depression, and if in your opinion it worked, how long did it take before you noticed a difference?. I've been taking it for a month now, and don't want to...
I did the race for life today, when I took my sock off it was covered in blood and my toe is in agony. It has some pus around the edges. What are the chances I lose a nail??
I don't live in England ,would someone please tell me how the smoking Ban has gone down. Are there less people in the pubs ? Is the Ban being obeyed ? The BBC promised to keep us informed but I must...
Is it me or has anybody else noticed that most people who used to ask a question on here are not around anymore. Could it be that vince or whattever the Ashole of an ed calls herself keeps banning...
Hello, can anyone please help me i'm looking for a copy of the sketch jasper carrot did in 1978 about the australian name for sellotape. i've tried youtube but came up with nothing - any ideas?...
Does any man have a "man bag"? What do women think of men with man bags.? If you have a man bag, what can you possible keep in there that pockets can not easily accomodate?
Ok, so I have a few points. Bear with me. 1) Bleh! What's with the YouTube? It's silly. Methinks perhaps ED is getting "friendly" with whoever it is that runs YouTube at the moment. 2) How come Sport...
well, not at the minute... he's on the waiting list. i feel so sorry for him, the doctors have messed him about for two years. they say it may be some kind of blockage somewhere. if they don't find...
(1) a fastening (5,4) (2)bunting (8) (3)pleasing and attractive (6) (4) 18th century china (7) (5)repeated at short intervals (8) (6)used by cabinet makers (6,6) (7)the ridge of a hill (5) (8)a...