I suffer with Arthritis in my lower back, hands and its starting to creep into my hip and knees as well, does anyone have any recommendations for a decent mattress, I am thinking of replacing mine, to...
I consider myself to have good hearing, but lately not sure if its just me, but I have to have the TV volume really high, to be able to hear what the actors are saying as there seems to be so much...
I upgraded my mobile today, it came with a new sim but I want to keep my old number, so have decided I will put my old sim in the new phone, does that mean I won't get the 5G, sorry if It sounds a bit...
I have Arthritis is both hands, and am finding it very difficult to choose a warm pair of gloves, I have been wearing one pair on top of the other cheap pairs admittedly, but my hands are still very...
I have booked to go away over Christmas, (in Britain) its not cheap that time of year and I know, I am covered re covid matters, as I read the small print, but knowing how tempremental the weather can...
I want to treat myself to a cordless vac its a toss up between the Shark and the Dyson, has anyone used either of these, and If yes what were they like.
In the cold weather I started my car, to warm the engine and to let it run for a bit, at some point after I had gone indoors the engine cut out, it must of been at least 10 minutes, now it won't start...
Do you think people who have had the vaccine but are testing positive for covid, could be because they have a small amount in their system from the vaccine. I know of one person who has had the...
Thankfully this sort of thing hasn't happened to me often, I visited an elderly ladies home the other evening, as I have done some cleaning and odd jobs for her, I let myself in and called out to her,...
This morning I've been listening to the Radio, quite loud I might add, and it got me thinking, with dogs and their very sensitive hearing, do you think its a bit much for them, having it on loud?