I tend to use my mobile phone for most things, even receiving and sending emails, I decided to use my tablet yesterday, and noticed how many emails I had never received to my phone, but which were on...
I had a sleep test quite a while ago, well before the lockdown, the machine seemed to fall off more than stay on, then last week I had a 'copy' of a letter sent to my doctor from the hospital, to say...
I have a glass over bath shower door I need to replace the seal strip at the bottom of the door, how and where do I measure to get the correct size. tia
Does anyone remember a tv programme, where different hauliers, but in bids to win the delivery of an item/items around the country and sometimes abroad.
I am with the Virgin network, and they have decided to send me out a new sim card, (not asked for) I do not understand why, the old one is fine, has anyone also on the Virgin network had a new sim...
My wages went into my bank account this morning, then this evening its showing as being taken out again, I cannot enquire about it until tomorrow, but in the meantime I'm fuming, any idea what could...
A cough and/or sneeze travels further than the 2metres, if a person, doesn't use a hanky either, because they are not quick enough to use it, or just plain bad mannered, so the 2 metres is probably a...
What price approx, am I looking at to change a timing belt on a 2006 Citreon Picasso I know it's only going to be a guess, but I dont have a clue and I dont want to be ripped off. Tia
My 3 year old Shipoo refuses to eat any tin dog food (tried nearly all of them) but he will eat fresh chicken, but I am worried he isnt getting any other nutrients, by just eating it.
I had toothache early April and the doctor prebscribed me antibiotics, and the pain subsided, but today its started niggling me again, do you think I will be prescribed antibiotics again, or will it...