i am wireless on a desktop which until last weekend was working fine. tried to go online yesterday but kept getting the following message 'internet explorer cannot display this page' the reason i am...
can anyone help? a friend of mine had full use of her laptop before going to work the other night, came home and now none of the USB ports are working or recognised. it appears her ex has been on the...
help!! i have a long haired black cat which came from a rescue home, i would estimate him to be about 10-12 yeard old. he has been flead, and wormed but just lately i have noticed he has a couple of...
i'm now online using a netgear wt624 router which is supposed to be 108mbs, each tme i connect my signal shows as good or very god but only has a speed of 54mb. can anyone explain to me how i set up...
this problem has only been occuring during the last fortnight. each morning the avg is scheduled to auto update and has done so for months, but recently the update has failed and prompted me to...
do i choose the acer http://www.laptopsdirect.co.uk/Acer_Aspire_563 3_WLMi_T5500_LX.AU30J.056/version.asp or the dell inspiron 1501, http://www1.euro.dell.com/content/products/fea...
i have been reading with interest the answers regarding new laptops and was hoping one of the techies could advise me on the two laptops below, is the 2nd really worth the extra ?90...
is it possible to edit posts onced submitted, i recently posted three answers on the same subject because i am unaware if the edit facility is avaliable cheers
example, if 3 C in a F = 3 coins in a fountain what are the answers to the following.... 12 P in the RCT 39 S for RH 40 T for AB 4 SS in the IM 12 H on the BS 11 DS (H of C of the E)