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I really like this guy at my High School Who I'm always seeing walking around between classes. I'm 14 and He's fiteen.I really want to ask him out but the trouble is I've never spoken to him before. I...
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I am going back to my 2nd yr in high school in September and really are'nt looking forward to it. The reason for this is my blushing problem, I blush for the most stupid reasons and start sweating and...
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My Best friend and I just fell out over a magazine. I borrowed it without asking her permission, I really didn't think she'd mind because she's given me mags before, but this morning she phoned me and...
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I died my hair too dark! Is there anyway i can lighten it by using a certain kind of shampoo?
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I really dont get along with this girl in 1 of my classes at skool but shes de only girl in this class besides me. I jus cant tink of any thing 2 say 2 her just coz shes more popular than me and all...
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When I was younger, I played a lot of football (soccer to our American cousins) and as a result, I developed very hard skin on the soles of my feet. Although it was fairly unattractive, it did the...
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I'm really skinny and I want to put weight on. I eat like a horse and I stay the same weight. How can I put weight on?
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what's the average weight for a fourteen yr old girl who's 5 ft 5in tall? Is 8 st O.K??

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